“We’re all just human!”

Today's video came out of a post a friend of mine put up on Facebook that got a billion likes from everyone, but also got me thinking about how saying we need to forget about race and sexuality and focus on humanity is a super problematic thing to do, and steeped in privilege. He's a good guy, and I know his heart's in the right place, but that doesn't always count for as much as we'd hope. Mistakes get made, and I'm no stranger to that. Colourblind ideology is problematic for a lot of reasons that I get into today.…


Fandom: A Talk at Tri-Con

Woot Suit Riot In this week's vlog I talked with Ryan Consell about what it's like to not be a real fan. I'm not really committed to any one or even several fandoms, I just sodrt of drift around thinking things are okay. It makes it hard to feel like I'm part of a community sometimes, and other times, when people notice my interest and take it for "real" fandom, I feel like I'm inadequate somehow. Like I should have done more. Which is total BS. Weirdly, I thought about this on the bus this morning. The people sitting next to…

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