Dragons! And Being Nice

Well, Dragon. My D&D game fought one today, and that and the fact that it’s about a million degrees hyperbole in my space have got me pretty much exhausted. I love running dragon fights, there’s something really special about them. Everybody gets a kick out of it, they don’t happen too often, and most of the group nearly dies. This dragon was a medium blue named Gerald. Because reasons. But I don’t want to talk about dragons all night (Though I could. This one time a party fought a Chaos dragon. They have this killer confusion breath that left everyone shooting arrows into the wizard except for the warrior, who soloed it like a bos–I’m done). I keep thinking about my job, a big part of which is being nice to people on the internet.  (more…)

What Do You Mean, Communicating Better?
Don't always listen to the Prince. What? Pictures of books are redundant.

What Do You Mean, Communicating Better?

I’ve spent a few months now talking about how to think about social media and communication, with a mind toward exploring how we can communicate better. But I’ve been remiss. I’ve been missing something important that I wasn’t ready to talk about yet, which is what “Better” actually means to me. Depending on your goals, it’s going to mean different things, but in communication, I think there are some things that are universally desirable, and opportunities that social media creates for everyone. These are some of them.  (more…)


Music and Values

Those have pretty much been the theme of my week. I got a new microphone on Tuesday, so I’ve been recording more music, and I’ve been writing about values on both of my blogs, as well as attending an Engage KW session on them. Values, not my blogs. It can be hard to pick out what our values are, and there’s been a lot of discussion about what a value is, and how it’s different from a belief or a personality trait. I’ve been mulling this over, and I think I’ve got a tentative answer. Also, new music below.  (more…)

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