
Well, last night I licked my first live music gig at Maxwell’s Music House, which rocked to all accounts (and I had an amazing moustache, ask anybody). I also got to see my friend Andrew Butters give his first live performance for his 12th anniversary, which was amazing. Well done, sir.


I also launched a project of my own today. After much hemming and hawing and not having of time, my good friend Ryan Walsh and I have started a small video project, where we’re playing through Dragon Age: Origins. And by playing through, I mean getting utterly turned around in. You can check out our antics on Youtube, 5 days a week.

Also, today’s TPK talks about why it’s important to establish safe space at the gaming table, and the latest episode of the Educated Imagination, the podcast I’m part of is out as well, where we discuss people’s dependence on technology.

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