Hatred and Hermitage

Weekly Update

I hate the cold. I mean it. If cold weather had a face, I would never stop punching it. It’s been varying shades of -20 to -30 Celsius here, with the wind chill, though it finally broke this week. There have to be blogs where people just complain about the weather. This isn’t really about the weather. The freezing isn’t such a big deal, I don’t spend that much time outside. Just to the bus stop, into the office, and back to my home, really. And that’s sort of the problem with the cold. It makes me into a hermit.



Polar Music: Birthday Song!

So I’m in the Polar Plunge on Feb. 22, and for a donation of $20, I offered to do a song or a monologue out in the cold. All the proceeds go to helping kids with special needs, and it’s a good time. Today was my first video of it, and it was a lot of fun, though my guitar is cranky. I love writing songs for people, and this was from a friend for a different friend, because it’s her birthday today. Things I learned? You don’t always get the song you want, you get the song you need (and sometimes you just get the song you get).



Fandom: A Talk at Tri-Con

Woot Suit Riot In this week's vlog I talked with Ryan Consell about what it's like to not be a real fan. I'm not really committed to any one or even several fandoms, I just sodrt of drift around thinking things are okay. It makes it hard to feel like I'm part of a community sometimes, and other times, when people notice my interest and take it for "real" fandom, I feel like I'm inadequate somehow. Like I should have done more. Which is total BS. Weirdly, I thought about this on the bus this morning. The people sitting next to…


Flat Surface Blues

I have a love-hate relationship with flat surfaces. I love putting things on them. I will stack objects on top of objects if necessary. I love accumulating them, because more flat surfaces means more places to put things. Now that I don’t have cats, it also means that those objects can be expected to go unmolested (rather than being unceremoniously dumped on the floor). The problem is that I do seem to hate tidying flat surfaces, so while everything has a place, sometimes that place is under a bunch of other shit.


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