No, this isn’t about the end of the world, but the end of the year. I started writing here a year ago to make sure that I didn’t get eaten by grad school. I wanted to force myself to do something interesting every week so I wouldn’t become some kind of office-bound Gollum. And it worked. Whether it’s because of these posts or not, I’ve had a pretty great year. Today I want to review a bit of it, and next week I want to set some goals for 2013. I know I already did this once for the academic year, but apparently I live in the real world now, and apparently, in the real world, the year ends in December.



Music and Values

Those have pretty much been the theme of my week. I got a new microphone on Tuesday, so I’ve been recording more music, and I’ve been writing about values on both of my blogs, as well as attending an Engage KW session on them. Values, not my blogs. It can be hard to pick out what our values are, and there’s been a lot of discussion about what a value is, and how it’s different from a belief or a personality trait. I’ve been mulling this over, and I think I’ve got a tentative answer. Also, new music below.  (more…)


The Last Cowboy

So it's December, sue me. I figured it'd be good to lighten the mood with the Windows XP Ninja Turtles stuff. Still, I have one more story that I want to get through. Bear with me. Dennis was a friend of the family. He loved model trains, history, and old movies. He always wore blue jeans and button downs, like a cowboy from one of the Louis L'Amour novels he used to read. He was full of stories, because he had a checkered past. Some of it he regretted, and some of it he was proud of. In a lot of…


Windows XP Ninja Turtles

It’s been getting pretty heavy here lately. November’s like that. I have one story left, but I want to lighten the mood a bit. Before I got my job doing communications for the Faculty Association, I did a lot of babysitting,. I got to look after some really great kids, learned a lot, and had a good time doing it. We watched movies, went to the park, and we started a band. This is the saga of the Windows XP Ninja Turtles.  (more…)

Pierre’s Library
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Pierre’s Library

It’s been a pretty good week. Wrote some music, and started some new projects. More updates to come when I have them. In the meantime, it’s Movember, so I have another story. Go past the jump to learn why men’s health matters to me.  (more…)

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